Expense Item
Create Budget Code
- Name
School Year
- Type
- select
- Description
Human-readable name for the budget code.
- Name
- Type
- select
- Description
The currency of budget. You can have multiple currencies in a single budget system.
- Name
- Type
- typo
- Description
The unique code for the budget.
- Name
- Type
- typo
- Description
Human-readable name for the budget code.
- Name
- Type
- typo float
- Description
Amount of budget. It allows 4 decimal places.
- Name
- Type
- typo float
- Description
Amount of budget. It allows 4 decimal places.
Create a new user
This endpoint allows you to add a new contact to your contact list in Protocol. To add a contact, you must provide their Protocol username and phone number.
User Profile
This endpoint allows you to retrieve a contact by providing their Protocol id. Refer to the list at the top of this page to see which properties are included with contact objects.
Update a user
This endpoint allows you to perform an update on a contact. Currently, the only attribute that can be updated on
contacts is the display_name
attribute which controls how a contact appears in your contact list in Protocol.
Delete a user
This endpoint allows you to delete contacts from your contact list in Protocol. Note: This will also delete your conversation with the given contact.